
“There are more People alive now who are willing and able to help those experiencing poverty than at any time in history. they often just need to know where to start.”


phil’s work

In partnership with Auxylios, Dr Barnard specializes in developing churches, schools, non-profits and other organizations through keynote speaking, staff and team training, and personalized consulting in the area of reducing poverty.

Through his unique and comprehensive synthesis of biblical teaching, socioeconomic theory and primary data, your team will be equipped to think more critically, plan more thoroughly, and serve your community more effectively. Dr Barnard will walk you through the steps necessary to increase your impact when helping those in need.

In addition to biblical teaching and preaching, teams often get in touch with Dr Barnard when they want to increase their capacity for serving those experiencing poverty, seeking answers to questions such as: 

  • As people of faith, how do we think more critically about poverty, without losing our deep compassion for those it affects? 

  • What are the themes and patterns in the Bible about poverty, and how can that inform our practice?  

  • Our people want to be generous givers, so where should we direct our assistance in order to have the most positive effect? 

  • How should we develop an organization-wide plan to effectively serve those experiencing poverty? 

  • How do we mobilize our church congregation to combat poverty in our community? 

specialist options available

All services are quoted in USD.

Keynote Speaking

Thematic, evidence-based and biblical teaching to serve your church, conference (especially men’s, parents’ and children’s leaders conferences), or other large group setting.

Services start at $400/session plus reasonable travel costs if necessary.

staff and team training

Tailored, interactive workshops designed to address your organization’s specific needs. Includes complimentary pre- and post- workshop conferencing.

Services start at $105/hour or $590/day.

Personalized consultation

Customized appointments to address your pressing needs, including organization-specific research and analysis.

Services start at $105/hour or $590/day.

All services are available in person or via video conference.

dedicated specialist services on-demand

Retainer services are available at $220/month and include up to 5 hours of on-demand and bespoke consulting, research, training and support.

The retainer service is ideal for churches and organizations who want a connection with, and services of, a dedicated in-house poverty-reduction specialist - without the overhead costs of a salaried employee.

Phil is an outstanding presenter. He is a highly engaging communicator who is able to take complex ideas and make them accessible and practical to his audience, providing a clear strategy for change and growth. He is an absolute pleasure to work with and I highly recommend him.
— - Dr Rebecca Newton: Organizational Psychologist; CEO of Coach/Advisor; author of Authentic Gravitas: Who Stands Out and Why